Here is a bouquet of pink lilies roses with a stylish presentation. Three stems of multi-bloom oriental lilies and 12 stem of pink roses make it a real treat. The double-tone wrapping and ribbon bow makes these flowers even more beautiful. It can accentuate the mood of her birthday celebration very much. Thus, bring some changes in relations through the mindful action of sending a small bouquet . There is nothing to worry about the delivery, when this flower shop takes up the order.
This bouquet of pink lilies roses, beautifully wrapped in pink and purple, will bring a rainbow of emotions to the recipient. It will surely make your special occasion more exciting and get attention from everyone. So, offer this wonderful bouquet with the array of roses and lilies and fill them with your love. Also, take advantage of fine and fast delivery from this reliable florist to send flowers online to Dubai at the best price. We ensure prompt customer service and excellent quality products always. This product is suitable to send as a birthday gift to a lady of any age.