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Product Specifications
25 Pink Roses (Double Color Tone Pink) arranged compactly without using fillers inside and with suitable wrapping. Suitable leaves like Euchaliptus / Song of Jamaica / Palm Leaves can be used around the roses.

Send Flowers and Determine the Depth of Happiness.

This pink roses bouquet demonstrates the simple but extraordinary skill of our florist to make bouquets understanding the requirement of sender. Perhaps he is born with this talent of arranging flowers naturally and interestingly to please others. Effortlessness achieved with many years of persistent efforts to improve. We could master this art of flower hand bouquet by making several numbers of them as per order from customers.

Charming appearance of a pink roses bouquet can certainly influence the recipient. When you send them to someone with no expectation of anything in return that helps strengthen the emotional bond. It is certainly a caring act and thus cannot be treated as a selfish deed to send a flower arrangement to a loved one. Such an action is meant for the fulfillment which is each one’s personal responsibility in life. Our sense of gratitude and ability to include others determines the depth of happiness.

Real happiness in our overall life depends on our ability to keep ourselves happy in all situations, though sometimes difficult. Making others happy is a primary concern for some but eventually, that is also for one’s own satisfaction. By sending pink roses bouquet one can make his wife happy.  For some time or even for a day, but the real love is evident in each word and deed. We go through many daily emotions that disturb the balance of life in different ways. But the effort to maintain the balance helps ensure happiness prevails almost always.

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